Food and Beverages that Cause Tooth Sensitivity

When the tooth enamel peels away, it results in exposure of nerves causing sensitivity. This can be due to a variety of factors, including crooked teeth, poor dental care, and exposed root areas. Then there are the foodstuffs, along with the temperatures and substances that go with them.

If you experience pain when consuming iced tea, hot coffee, or any other edibles at high temperatures or sweetness, you may have tooth sensitivity.

List of Food and Drinks that Lead to Tooth Sensitivity

Check the following food and drinks for you to avoid tooth sensitivity.


Although, cold brew coffee has health benefits, drinking chilled carbonated drinks, juices, and Iny other cold liquids – as well as ice creams – can irritate sensitive teeth and lead to additional serious dental health problems like cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease.


Sensitive teeth may be in excruciating pain while drinking hot beverages or eating foods that have been heated to excessively high temperatures. This can lead to a variety of dental issues as well as a great deal of discomfort.


Sugary foods such as chocolates and candies have a high sugar content, which increases gum recession and fills fractures in the teeth. As a result, tooth decay develops, sensitivity develops, and long-term teeth problems develop.


Tooth sensitivity is also caused by sour foods. Eating very acidic foods has the potential to cause two issues: it can erode the enamel of the tooth and weaken the gum line, allowing the inner layer of the teeth to be exposed.
