Food & Music: The best combination

Why should you listen to jazz when you eat chocolate, or classical music when you drink wine? What connects the piano to the blackberry? Why does airplane food always seem strange?

Is music a spice?


Imagine dining in the middle of the busiest street in town. Cars run around you and you try to swallow your favorite tomato, followed by potatoes with cucumber salad. Absurd? We intuitively sense that some situations are so ridiculous that we shouldn’t try to apply them on a daily basis. We are not talking about safety considerations, but about sound, but rather about a specific vibration that accompanies various frequencies while eating.


Does sound affect the flavor of food?


Noise can not only throw us completely off balance, but it can also cause what we eat to completely change the taste. This was confirmed by the results of expert research from the University of Manchester, which showed that unpleasant tones – the sounds of a washing machine, mixer or blender – can reduce our sensitivity to sugar, salt and other spices.


This is why on air travel, when we hear engine noise, the food tastes less delicious than in other circumstances. Need music to listen to while eating try Youtube mp3 to get started. Music can affect the taste of the food we eat and make or decrease our appetite for certain foods.


When you listen to slow, gentle sounds, the taste of food can stay in your mouth for much longer than a lively, dynamic melody. On the other hand, if we are enthusiasts for lively and energetic tones, we begin to feel an increased crunchiness of food. At the festival’s hip-hop or rock and roll concert, we’ll enjoy chips more than a good dinner, which tastes best with slow music. Why is this happening?


Music like spice?


According to prof. Spence’s mild noises keep the taste of food in the mouth for longer. The faster tempo of the music, in turn, causes the aroma to fade faster, so we become more sensitive to features such as the texture of food, and we achieve greater satisfaction with food such as chips or dry snacks.


Wine is best sipped to classical music. Research by prof. Spence has shown that even medium-quality alcohol gives the impression of a high-end liquor, if only we drink it with the light sounds of masters such as Chopin or Mozart. Interestingly, it was noticed that red wine tastes best for listeners of Tchaikovsky’s works, and white wine tastes best when listening to the gentle sounds of a longitudinal flute.


Although our brains are accustomed to how food is supposed to taste, our brains can react slightly differently to food when exposed to certain sound vibrations. It turns out that nutrition depends not only on the type of food we eat, but also on the sounds that surround us while eating.
